Welcome to the SNUG Board page. Our job is to connect and educate our membership - we welcome your comments and suggestions at any time! Nominations for Board positions are taken annually and voted on at the National conferences according to their service rotation.
This is a progressive, three-year position serving one year each as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. During the first year as President-Elect, this position is responsible for the planning of the agenda for the annual National Meeting as well as assisting the President. The second year, as President, he/she is responsible for setting Board of Directors' meeting, sending welcome letters to new PowerSchool PLUS license holders/SNUG members, acting as liaison to PowerSchool, answering pertinent correspondence, and serves as Chair and organizer of the National Meeting. As Past-President, in the third year, this individual provides continuity to the Board of Directors, is Chair of the Nominating Committee, and administers the annual SNUG membership renewal process.
Teresa WilliamsPresident Senior Software Analyst Muscogee County School District Product Line: BusinessPlus; Unified Talent Anna OvermanPresident-Elect Operations & Systems Manager Shared Resource Center Product Line: B+, eFP, Unified Talent Zach BirgePast President Data Engineer Highline Public Schools Product Line: BusinessPlus; Naviance |
Senior Systems Analyst
Anchorage School District
Product Line: B+, Unified Talent
Director of Information Services
Product Line: eSP, Unified Talent, Schoology, SmartFind Express
The Director-at-Large serves a three-year term. There are five Director-at-Large positions with one position being elected each year. These positions administer the post-conference surveys, coordinate updates to the SNUG web site, follow up with sites that have not renewed their SNUG membership, assist in conference agendas, act as liaisons to the Regional and Special Interest Group coordinators and serve on Board committees as assigned by the President. Currently there is one vacant position for Director-at-Large.
Manager of Dev. & Business Support
Muscogee County School District
Product Line: B+, Unified Talent
Chief Technology Officer
Albemarle County Public Schools
Senior Business Analyst
Oakland Schools
Product Line: B+
Operations & Systems Manager
Shared Resource Center
Product Line: B+, eFP, Unified Talent